Thursday, January 20, 2011

15 days...

So in 15 days my Ink Circles Mandala went from this:

to this!

I think it will start to look less phallic once I put in some more colour...........

Next up is the Landmark design (you knew I couldn't stay away from it) So until February 3rd I will be faithful. I'll also try to take better pictures..... as this is about as bad as it gets.... I love me some dot dot dots..........



  1. That mandela looks good and the landmark design has quite a lot of colors in it.

    Good luck with your stitching,

    Hugs Yvon.

  2. Wow! Both are gorgeous! Can't wait to see all the color go into the mandala!

  3. Wow to both projects! You made some great progress on the mandala.

  4. Definitely needs more color! LOL. The Ink Circles will be remarkable.
