Saturday, January 23, 2010

New hooligan in the 'hood and Makhi again

I can see the finish line on this behemoth. I estimate another month for completion - barring any distractions like......

like this!!! This is our newest hooligan - Ginger. She is 8 weeks old, mostly shepherd with a little lab thrown in for good luck. I am smitten, and Madi - our most senior hooligan of the canine kind has taken to her like peanut butter in a kong. She needs to stop pooping on my floor though - it's really kinda gross. Any tips for house training? Madi was pretty easy - this one, we walked outside for an hour and then she came inside and pooped all over the floor. Discouraging, no? Good thing she's cute.

Good evening,


  1. You go, girl - it looks wonderful and not much more! Love your little baby!

  2. I am sure this is a oft-repeated question. Please, what is the size of makhi

  3. You are so close on Makhi! It's so huge! I could never attempt such a project. As for the pup, how darn cute is she!!!???!!! I could just cuddle and cuddle and cuddle these little furry poop makers. Good luck with the house training. Nothing easy about that. Hope you got my email about the Assisi peacock pattern. Let me know if you are interested in it. Have a great day!

  4. Your baby is so cute! I just love puppies, except for the pooping indoors. ;) Good luck house training!
